January 3, 2021
Congratulations to Idaho Operation Lifesaver on 50 Years of Rail Safety Education and Awareness
(Fallon, NV) Rail Safety Alliance along with its partners Nevada Operation Lifesaver and Utah Operation Lifesaver congratulates Idaho Operation Lifesaver on 50 year of rail safety education and awareness! Because of Idaho Operation Lifesaver’s foresight, rail safety programs are now organized across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Australia, and several European countries. It all started in the State of Idaho!
In 1972 when Idaho Operation Lifesaver started there were more than 12,000 collisions at highway-rail grade crossings annually in the U.S. Concerned by these numbers, the Idaho governor, Idaho peace officers, and Union Pacific Railroad organized a six-week education and awareness safety campaign titled “Operation Lifesaver.” Idaho’s grade crossing fatalities decreased by 43 percent and the program quickly spread to other states including Utah in 1976.
“It’s our honor to celebrate and congratulate Idaho Operation Lifesaver on 50 years of outreach to the general public on rail safety education and awareness. No other rail safety organization has been around longer,” says Vern Keeslar, Executive Director of Utah Operation Lifesaver.
“We appreciate the example and creativity of Idaho Operation Lifesaver. They were the first to establish a rail safety and awareness program for the general public and their efforts have spread throughout North America and many other countries,” stated Rich Gent, Executive Director of Nevada Operation Lifesaver.
Utah Operation Lifesaver Nevada Operation Lifesaver
Contact: Vern Keeslar Contact: Rich Gent
Phone: 801-310-1035 Phone: 775.830.8173
e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.utahoperationlifesaver.org
About Rail Safety Alliance
Rail Safety Alliance, Inc. is a nonprofit, cooperative of rail safety state programs whose beginnings date back to 1972 and includes Idaho Operation Lifesaver, Nevada Operation Lifesaver, and Utah Operation Lifesaver.
Rail Safety Alliance, Inc. 5990 Zephyr Lane, Fallon, NV 89406
Website www.railsafetyalliance.org or www.rsainc.org